Routine Care
Protecting Your Trees
Giving You Space To Breathe
Lot Clearing Services
Benefits of Tree Care
Service List
Trees give us the breath of life. Literally.
Trees absorb pollutants - like carbon dioxide, ammonia, and ozone from the air - and trap it in their bark, store it, or process it for their own energy. In exchange, they release clean oxygen through their leaves. Trees are nature’s very first air purifiers!
Three trees placed purposefully around a home can cut summer air-conditioning bills by 50 percent! In addition to shade in the summer, trees make excellent wind screens, are food for animals and humans, provide habitats for wildlife, and help prevent water pollution and soil erosion. Studies have shown that hospital patients with views of trees out their windows heal more quickly, and that exposure to trees and nature improves mental health and reduces stress.
Trees even attract and heal. The more trees that a home, business or district has, the more people will instinctively be attracted to it.
But trees need care, too. Without regular pruning, inspections, and attention, your trees may become hazardous, diseased, or even die. We want to be your partners in tree care, adding value to your property, your life, and your community.
Whether it's felled trees, an overgrown lot, or just your average blizzard, Donegan's Tree Service can clean up and pack out all of your natural debris, stumps, branches, leaves, and trunks.
Our team is more than qualified to tackle the hazards of removing large trees, especially those near structures, requiring experience and safety. We can assess, fell, chip, grind, remove and mulch your space with our expert tree team and our state-of-the-art equipment.
Tree Removals
Lot Clearing
On-site Mulching
Bush Hogging
Chipping Debris
Increase property value
Protect your home and structures
Provide safety under tree canopies
Reduce utility bills
Lengthen tree life, prevent tree disease
Corrective Pruning
Tree Trimming
Tree Care
Tree & Shrub Removal
Stump Removals
Historical Tree Preservation
Deep Root Fertilizing
Insect/Disease/Health Care Diagnosis
Plant Health Care/Integrated Pest Management
Soil Sampling
Plant Disease Diagnosis