Tree Inspections Prevent Storm Damage from Unhealthy Trees

The stormy season is here! Loudoun is prone to some nasty weather and we have already experienced some foul weather this summer. It’s time to be proactive and have our Certified Arborist or our Field Expert come out and evaluate your trees. You should get in the habit of having your trees inspected every year to make sure the health and integrity of your trees is up to par.

Extreme weather can sometimes mean extreme damage to your property. Don’t let your trees be more at risk of suffering the casualties from these storms. Think of the leaves on your trees as tiny little sails. When the wind blows, these tiny little sails catch the wind and it applies a force to the top of the tree, or where the leaves are located. Apply enough of that force and your tree can become uprooted or even snap in half! This phenomenon is called “windthrow”. (1) Aside from that, deadwood and branches can come down during a storm.

The higher up the tree, the harder they fall. You’ve seen the damage. It’s around. You have probably driven by a downed tree or a broken branch in the last month. You may have even seen or heard something about trees falling in the local news. Good thing we have the perfect setup to take care of the storm damaged trees. Check out our new video covering work we did on recent storm damage. We will take care of you.

So what can an Arborist do to help? An Arborist will come out and evaluate your trees’ health and provide preventative care to your trees. They are also experts on what to do after a storm. My kids like to tell me an Arborist is kind of like a tree doctor. And they kind of are. They can guide you with best practices on how to care for your tree’s health throughout the duration of its lifetime.

Our Arborist can explain what your trees need, why they need it, a solution, and provide a highly skilled professional crew to service the trees. Your best bet would be to give us a call now and have the evaluation done before the August thunderstorms roll in. Then plan on yearly check ups for your trees, just like you do with your doctor.

At Donegan’s Tree Service we love trees. In fact, we may be a bit obsessed with them. Reach out to us and let us help you protect your trees.





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