Preparing for Spring

birch trees with sun shining through

Spring is right around the corner and that means more daylight, outdoor fun, blooming flowers, and spring cleaning. Once spring hits, we can say so long to winter storms and having to stay indoors to keep warm. Spring is all about spending time outside and getting ready for the summer by doing some preparing in both the inside of the house and the outside for guests. A crucial element to any outdoor cleaning is making sure that your gardens and trees are well kept and to help you do that, we have created a spring checklist for your trees.

  1. Inspect
    It is important to inspect all of your trees to make sure that they are in great shape. Some things to look for during an inspection are if the trees have any deadwood, cracks, diseases, or signs of decay. To make sure that your trees are in top shape, contact an ISA Certified Arborist, like us.

  2. Prune
    Early spring is still a great time to prune your trees, so if you notice that some of your trees have some deadwood that could be removed, their canopy cleaned out, or they appear to be declining in health and need to be removed all together, contact us and we can come out and provide a free estimate.

  3. Provide Water
    Once leaves start appearing on your trees keep an eye on them! If you see that some of them are curling or turning brown at the tips, then it is a sign that you should provide more water. Established trees do not need as much water as newly planted ones, but it is still important to watch the leaves, especially if it has not rained recently.

  4. Mulch
    Mulching is a great way to keep the soil in great health by adding nutrients and retaining moisture. When laying mulch around any tree, remember that the mulch should not come in contact with the trunk and the depth shouldn’t exceed 4”.

  5. Plant Native Trees
    Finally, if you would like to liven up your garden by planting new trees, then we recommend researching which trees are native to your area and will work best for your garden space. Many people do not take into consideration how big a tree may end up growing and can end up planting a tree that will eventually outgrow the space available to it. Consider contacting an expert who can help you pick out a tree that is most suitable for your space.


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